January 2023

Lasik operation in Toulouse

Disclaimer: This is the process based on experience of December 2021. If there are changes in the procedure, feel free to contact us at indiancommunitytoulouse@gmail.com and corresponding details will be modified.

  • Verify how much is covered in the mutuelle, mentioned for chirurgie refractive (assurance maladie doesn’t cover any part of it)
  • Take a consultation appointment in the morning or afternoon, after 2 hours of multiple tests, you’ll get the quote (devis). Confirm the surgery date with the secretary
  • Purchase the medicine prescribed and apply for leave for the operation {3 days including the operation day} (since the operation is not covered by assurance maladie, the sick leaves cannot be claimed in the company)
  • Operation generally takes place at Clinique Pasteur, the accompanying person was not allowed inside because of COVID restrictions. It was a one hour procedure from the time of entering the hospital.
  • If the procedure followed is Lasik, you’ll have to keep the eyes closed (preferably) for one day after the surgery and would need assistance for 3 days.
  • Cost breakdown

  • Total cost including 2 hour initial test - 3200 €
  • Coverage by mutuelle (in my case) - 2000 €
  • Amount paid from my pocket - 1200 €