Code for dummies

Driving a car gives the freedom to move around and better integrate into the local culture and practices. Volunteers of ICT are starting a small study group to prepare for Code de la route and write exam independently. The motive will be to have each others' back in preparation, some discussion sessions to clarify doubts, guidance to handle paperwork etc.

If you are interested in joining the next batches of Driving classes, please write to

**Note: This is an intitiative taken up by volunteers of Association Indian Community Toulouse (ICT) to help the community to get French driving license (Permis B). The moderators are not professionals, but share their experiences and understandings from their code lessons.


Association ICT

Association Indian Community Toulouse is a non-profit association governed by the French law of 1 July 1901 for associations declared to prefecture. It aims to bring together all the people interested in India & its cultures and represent the Indian community around Toulouse.